WEBCON is Coming to YOU!

WEBCON is back and 2017 is bringing some exciting changes!
We want to reach more people than ever before and make accessibility to the event paramount for everyone.
Welcome to the WEBCON Roadshow.
Since 2011, Landlord Web Solutions has hosted WEBCON, the premier rental housing marketing conference in Canada. The original format was a 1 day event held each May in Toronto. In 2016, the event was expanded to 1.5 days and was moved to Niagara Falls.
Turnout has continued to remain strong over the years, consistently attracting 300+ attendees from across the country. While we were happy with our event attendance over the years, we're always looking to improve and push the envelope. So, we started to dig deep and figure out what was stopping other industry professionals from joining us each year. Our findings pointed us to the fact that the #1 obstacle to attending WEBCON is distance, which equals time and money.
The solution became clear- time to flip the script! With the opportunity to visit some of the best cities in our country and see new and familiar faces, we jumped at the chance to visit rental housing markets from the East to West coasts.
So, starting in February 2017 and continuing through to October, we'll be making stops across Canada in order to bring the best content in the best way...to you!
Why a Roadshow?
By bringing the event to various cities across Canada, we believe we can create a fantastic learning experience without burdening attendees with a huge commitment of time and cost. This makes WEBCON accessible to more rental housing professionals that have yet to learn about how online marketing is reshaping the industry.
The Roadshow concept also allows us to focus on a particular region and tailor our content to best connect with you. By receiving customized content, it will allow you to take away ideas and strategies that can help you in the communities where your properties reside.
We're officially kicking off the Roadshow on February 15th in Hamilton, ON and will continue on in Calgary and Edmonton in April. Additional cities and dates will be announced soon, so if you don't see your city listed, don't worry - we're trying to get to as many cities this year as possible.
Why Hamilton first?
The City of Hamilton has been investing in recent years in reinventing itself to once again be a lifestyle and living destination. It's an exciting time for the City and for rental property owners and managers, who are seeing their property values rise and renter interest soar.
What can I expect when I attend the Roadshow?
The WEBCON Roadshow is a special, half-day format which will focus on online marketing strategies and techniques that are relevant to rental housing providers in 2017. The day will begin with a hot breakfast, followed by approximately 3 hours of stimulating sessions alongside peers and industry suppliers. This shortened format allows you to be back in the office mid-day, putting the session take-aways to great use!
Each city will feature a unique set of marketing experts and topics, in order to keep the content fresh and customized for each region. You'll also have the opportunity to casually network with industry peers and local industry suppliers during breakfast and coffee breaks.
We look forward to meeting you and your colleagues in 2017. For more information about the Roadshow or to sign up for notifications on future stops and dates, click the orange Sign Up Now button on our Homepage.
We're excited to be bringing WEBCON to many cities in 2017 and we'll see you soon!