WEBCON Keynote Series- 3 of a Kind!

WEBCON 2016 is shaping up to be one of our best speaker lineups yet!
If you haven't heard about the amazing innovators and experts joining us this year, let us bring you up to speed!
For the first time ever on the WEBCON stage, we'll have 3 keynote speakers:
We've gone all out to ensure that this is the biggest and best WEBCON ever. Scott is one of the most sought after marketing speakers in North America. If you loved Jay Baer in 2015, you'll definitely become a Scott Stratten fan too! Get ready to learn and laugh along with Scott- it will be an experience to remember!
"Scott is the man. He will kill it for you!"
- Jay Baer
For those of you that missed seeing Bruce in 2013, we're giving you a second chance to bask in his greatness! Now the star of "The Disruptors", Bruce will be sharing his formula for innovative success. The aim isn't perfection – it's to be right more than you're wrong and to capitalize on these small, incremental gains that over time lead to breakthrough results. This is definitely a "can't miss" keynote.
Finally, after 3 years of mismatched schedules and just plain bad luck… Kate Good is on the roster! We're super excited to have Kate, who is a North American recognized expert in the multi-family industry and is an 'Apartment All-Star'. Her session at WEBCON aims to teach every marketing professional and leasing consultant the art and science of closing prospective tenants on the first visit. There's no such thing as "just looking!"
Of course, there's more to WEBCON than these 3 amazing speakers. Check out our full list of speakers to date. More expert voices will be joining us in the coming weeks so be sure to check back often for updates and announcements.
See you in May!
Scott invites you to WEBCON 2016!